Oct 5, 2011

Take coracle to oldest lighthouse in Southeast Asia

Bạn cần mặc áo phao khi đi thuyền thúng để đảm bảo an toàn.

You are going from Phan Thiet to Ke Ga about 30kms. Its tour destination you should come because this is a place have oldest lighthouse in Southeast Asia and landscape are also wonderful land.

The lighthouse located on a large island wide about 5ha oversea of Ham Thuan Nam District, Binh Thuan Province. Name of Ke Ga is called from " Khe Ga". It derived by ancient legend, This area has very large flocks chicken are often go forest canyons to look feeding beside the spring.

To reach the lighthouse, you can choose a coracle from the mainland, it can wriggle through the water shallow area and have many white rocks, and then transferred to boats to the other side. You will have a little nervous when floating on the waves.

However, The scare feeling will disappear quickly when you were step on island. You will suppirse with a space, it have only water and graint white rocks. This is ideal destination if you and your lover like to take photo.

The path to lighthouse have plumier (hoa sứ) shade trees, it's planted by French. This building was built in 1898 and 02 years later it was completed. Inside of lighthouse high 35m's and 183 spiral stairs to the top. From the top, you can take a look panoramic of open sea area and another side with many houses.

When you arrive to Ke Ga, you can ask people here about Cay Dua ( Coconut tree) shop for rental boat to island. From this shop, you will walk about 300m's to coracle waiting area.

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