Sweet Dumpling with Dragon Fruit Shape

Sweet dumpling with dragon fruit shape will be a great breakfast to enjoy together family.

Tiếng Việt Link


200gram wheat flour
50gram condensed milk
150ml fresh milk with sugar
3tsp black sesame
10gram baking powder (yeast or salt is blooming)
1/2 small bowl atiso flower syrup/dragon fruit syrup (or any red syrup)


Mix condensed milk, fresh milk & baking powder & stir together until thoroughly at least 15 mins to power does not sticky.

Divided the dough into 2 parts 30 and 70. Part 70 is mixed with black sesame seed (for flesh dragon fruit). Part 30 is mixed with red syrups for dragon fruit shell.

Roller thin red shell & make circulation of the flesh. The shell should be cover the flesh & shape into the regular circle

Continuon the dough into steaming & wait until 15 mins. After that steam within 30 mins ( to check, using toothpick into middle of cake - it cooked well if the toothpick is not sticky)

Get out to the plate & cut the cake into the shape same with fresh dragon fruit 

You can pill off the shell of dragon fruit
Let's enjoy

Source from Eva news


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