Jul 19, 2012

New Day at Binh Thuan

 Ca Na Sea
Chi Cong Beach

 Phan Thiet Port
Phan Ri Sea

 Ca Ty River
 Binh Thuan Countryside
 Mui Ne Sea
 Bình Thuan Dunes
Tuy Phong Fishing Village

Nearly 220 hectares dragon fruit of Binh Thuan reach to GLOBALGAP standard

During 12 months (from May, 2011 to May, 2012) of implementation, 3 dragon fruit farms in Ham Thuan Nam district, Ham Thuan Bac district and Bac Binh district have participated in the model with a total area of 63 hectares. Accordingly, they have been granted certifications for producing dragon fruit in accordance with GlobalGap standards (the 4th version). The average productivity of these 3 farms is 25 tons/ha.

Previously, when beginning to implement the project, the consulting unit had carried out surveys of dragon fruit growing households to determine the conditions of human resources and set up the quality management system corresponding to GlobalGap standards. At the same time, the unit also trained dragon fruit growers in methods to cultivate dragon fruit towards the GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) pattern and use plant protection drugs effectively and safely;  connected dragon fruit growers with scientists to help them grasp the techniques of agricultural production, agricultural product processing and preservation….

Phuong Lan (Source: Binh Thuan  newspaper)

Vietnamese Dragon Fruits - Thanh Long Việt Nam

Thanh Long Việt Nam - Vietnam dragon fruit with English Subtitle