Sep 14, 2012

Dragon fruit & Tourism are products outstanding advantage of Binh Thuan.

Dragon fruit is a specialty plant. It has the most competitive advantage of Binh Thuan many advantages, especially on economic efficiency. From an area of about 7,000 ha in 2006, up to now dragon fruit on the province has reached nearly 19,000 ha and yield more than 400,000 tons / year. The expansion of the area, the local dragon fruit products also functional peers encourages farmers to produce standard VietGAP. So far, Binh Thuan dragon fruit has been exported to many countries in Asia, Europe, and the first fruits of Vietnam successfully penetrate the U.S. market ... time to forecast, this product is still the market large consumption, continued to assert economic efficiency superior to other crops if adequate attention.

Binh Thuan Dragon fruit

For travel, whether fledgling industry of Binh Thuan, but strong progress in a short time and has confirmed its position on the tourist map of Vietnam. Achieve more impressive figures show that tourism will continue to be the advantages of local products: The number of tourists increased by an average of 14.7% (2005 - 2011), revenue increased 30% each year ... currently the brand name "Mui Ne - Binh Thuan" has been widely promoted and become more familiar with international tourists. According to the 2020 plan, the Binh Thuan tourism strives to attract about 7.5 million visitors (including 1 million international passengers), total revenue reached 9.000 billion.

D. Quoc,

By Binh Thuan today.

Vietnamese Dragon Fruits - Thanh Long Việt Nam

Thanh Long Việt Nam - Vietnam dragon fruit with English Subtitle