Dec 11, 2017

Atiso Đỏ - Red Artichoke

Có thể bạn đã biết - re-up cách làm đơn giản nhất và giới thiệu sơ lược về lợi ích của Atiso đỏ - một loại hoa/quả nhiệt đới.

May you have known - this is re-up a simplest way (DYI) & basic info about red Artichoke - a kind of tropical flower/fruit with the great health benefits.

Hãy xem và tự làm nhen....đang trong mùa đó

So, let's review, DYI & enjoy!

By MTdragonfruit

Dec 7, 2017


Vượt qua cả dứa (thơm), Một làn sóng trái cây dinh dưỡng bùng nổ với chất dinh dưỡng và chất chống oxy hoá đang đổ vào các kệ sản phẩm và bạn cần phải biết rõ hơn về chúng. Thời kỳ của Thanh Long.

Move over pineapple, it’s dragon fruit time. A wave of nutrition fruits exploding with nutrients and antioxidants is hitting produce shelves, and it’s worth getting to know them better.

 A tip for you....yummy!!!

Source from  Pinterest &

Dec 4, 2017

Aqua Smoothie Bowl - Ôi, Sinh Tố gì mà nàng tiên cá cũng muốn ăn vậy?

Healthy eating is not only good for your body, it also comes with an abundance of recipes and food trends that are almost too pretty to eat!

And what is called the Aqua smoothie bowl? (Breakfast favouries from one of Mermaid (nickname from -

The special ingredient that gives this smoothie bowl it's amazing aqua hue is the same nutritional blue-green algae that's used to make the Magical unicorn lattes we're still obsessed with. 

Read on to see how people are topping their trendy smoothie bowls

Ăn uống lành mạnh không chỉ tốt cho cơ thể, mà nó còn cung cấp rất nhiều công thức nấu ăn phong phúvà xu hướng thực phẩm mà hầu như tất cả đều rất tuyệt để thưởng thức! 
Và bát nước mát là gì hoặc bát sinh tố nước mát mắt^^^?

Thành phần đặc biệt cho "loại sinh tố bát" này là màu nước tuyệt vời cùng với tảo xanh lam xanh dinh dưỡng được sử dụng để tạo ra những loại cà phê kỳ diệu mà chúng ta vẫn đang theo đuổi. 

Đọc tiếp để xem cách mọi làm sinh tố với khuynh hướng topping trong smoothie bowls nhé

With blueberries, coconut flakes, and sliced dragon fruit

Topping với  quả việt quốc, cơm dừa non và thanh long tươi cắt lát

With banana slices, frozen berries, and desiccated coconut

Topping với chuối cắt lát, việt quốc đông lạnh và dừa cơm dừa khô say nhuyễn

With dragon fruit balls and chocolates

Topping với thanh long tươi tạo viên và sô cô la

With frozen blueberries, banana slices, and chunky granola

Topping với việt quốc đông lạnh, chuối cắt lát và yến mạch

With frozen berries, cacao nibs, and coconut flakes

Topping với việt quốc đông lạnh, cacao vụn và cơm dừa non

With raspberries, blueberries, and chia seeds

Topping với quả mâm xôi, việt quất và hạt chia

Served in a coconut with frozen berries

Oh dùng quả dừa để làm bát đựng và topping với mâm xôi đông lạnh

With frozen blueberries, dragon fruit balls, and a sprinkle of cacao nibs

Topping với việt quất đông lạnh, thanh long tươi tạo viên và cacao vụn

Source from:

Nov 28, 2017

Grilled Tropical Fruits with Dragon Fruit

Trời đang mưa & giá thanh long đang giảm - hãy tự tay làm và thưởng thức nha!

Raining day at VN & Dragon fruits prices are reducing at this period - let's DYI & enjoyable!


Source from Friedasproduce

Nov 6, 2017

[OFFICIAL] CON RỒNG CHÁU TIÊN 2017 | Phim Hoạt Hình Việt từ Biti’s

Lần đầu tiên xem phim hoạt hình Việt hay dzậy á....

Với một bộ phim hoạt hình đề tài thần thoại, pha lẫn các yếu tố lịch sử và Khung cảnh Việt Nam xuất hiện trong phim đẹp mắt, hùng vĩ, tạo cảm giác thích thú cho người xem. Phần chuyển động của "Con Rồng Cháu Tiên" cũng được đánh giá là mượt mà, chân thật và không hề gượng gạo hay bị giả.

From Biti's

Oct 20, 2017


Chúc mừng ngày Phụ Nữ Việt Nam😍😘⭐🌞🌝🌟

Oct 2, 2017

Dragon Fruit Salsa

Hmmm.... 😌dragon fruit!😘😘😘😘😘
It’s absolutely delicious and has a unique look inside and out. The texture of the fruit and seeds reminds me of kiwi, but the taste of this tropical fruit is one of a kind. Dragon fruit is also known as pitaya.
The salsa tastes amazing and I love the way it looks. It’s easy to make for a quick snack and is also pretty enough to serve as a fun appetizer for a game day party.

Dragon Fruit Salsa

1 cup Dragon Fruit, cubed (Approx. 1 large or 2 small)
1 Green Onion, chopped
5 Stems Cilantro, chopped
1 T Lemon or Lime Juice
Combine all ingredients and mix gently.
Serve with chips.
                                                                                     Source from 

Sep 30, 2017

Dragon Fruit Benefits May Surprise You

Dragon fruit — also called dragon pearl fruit, cactus fruits, pitahaya or pitaya — is a tropical, delicious superfood that can do a lot for your health. In fact, dragon fruit benefits include anti-aging, immune system boosting and sugar stabilization, which is helpful for those with diabetes, among others. Let’s take a look at just how dragon fruit benefits the human body.

1. Immune Booster
Dragon fruit is jam-packed with flavonoids and flu-fighting vitamin C, free radicals to the curb, vitamins B1, B2, B3, as well as calcium, phosphorous, iron, protein, niacin and fiber teaming up to keep that immune system in tip-top shape.The micronutrients in dragon fruit are also impressive. A study published in the Journal of Food Science observed polyphenol and flavonoid content and effects on several cancer cell lines from the extracts of the flesh and peel of the white and red dragon fruit.
2. Digestion Helper
Dragon fruit contains a good bit of fiber, which can help with that morning bowel movement. It can even help eliminate constipation and IBS issues.
Dragon fruit contains about one gram of fiber per 100 grams for the fresh version and about 10 grams per 100 grams of the dried version, making it a high-fiber food. To get a bit more fiber, you can even eat the skin of the pitaya.Another reason dragon fruit benefits digestion is due to the oligosaccharides it contains. These oligosaccharides work as prebiotics, which in turn improves gut health and digestion.  And that’s not all prebiotics can do.According to research published in the journal 3 Biotech, “the introduction of functional compounds like prebiotics in the diet seems to be an attractive alternative to ameliorate the quality of life ridden with obesity, cancer, hypersensitivity, vascular diseases and degenerative ailments.” 
3. Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
The dragon fruit can help by preventing  sugar spikes after eating high glycemic index foods.A study published in the Journal of Pharmacognosy Research found that dragon fruit had positive results on the oxidative stress on tested subjects, suggesting its consumption as beneficial in reducing some issues that may be associated with diabetes. (4) Further research examining the way dragon fruit benefits insulin resistance on obese mice found that eating dragon fruit can help reduce the risk for diabetes and diabetes symptoms.
4. Heart-Healthy
The same study noted above on dragon fruit benefits in relation to diabetes and oxidative stress also evaluated effects that dragon fruit may have on the heart. The study published in the Journal of Pharmacognosy Research showed that dragon fruit may help decrease bad cholesterol while improving the good cholesterol, making dragon fruit an excellent cholesterol-lowering food. In addition, because it’s an excellent source of monounsaturated fats, it can help keep the heart in good shape.
And let’s not forget those little black seeds inside the dragon fruit. They’re big in delivering omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Research shows that these omega-3s and omega-6s can drop problematic triglycerides, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease
5. Keeps You Looking YouthfulAntioxidants, in this case due to the vitamin C content, do a great job of keeping the skin tight and firm, which can offer a youthful appearance. Additionally, the phosphorus in dragon fruit provides a boost in the anti-aging department. Phosphorus, an important mineral found in every cell of the body, makes up about 1 percent of your total bodyweight. Because it’s found in every cell, its effect on the repair of those cells is important to the youthfulness of our skin and prevention of premature aging. 
6. Potential Cancer Prevention
Dragon fruit contains phytoalbumin, and phytoalbumin, combined with the vitamin C and minerals it hosts, makes the dragon fruit highly valued for its antioxidant properties and cancer-preventing qualities. There is yet another characteristic that may help in cancer prevention — the lycopene it contains. The lycopene, also found in tomatoes, offers the rich color, and results from studies show that it may contain “chemopreventive effects for prostate, breast, lung, liver and skin cancer.” Another study published in Nutrition and Cancer indicates that cancerous cells had difficulty living and were significantly reduced when treated with lycopene. Ovarian cancer evaluation showed a decrease in cancerous cell numbers after lycopene treatment, and given dragon fruit’s lycopene content, it may be a potential cancer-fighting food
Source from

Vietnamese Dragon Fruits - Thanh Long Việt Nam

Thanh Long Việt Nam - Vietnam dragon fruit with English Subtitle