Sep 30, 2017

Dragon Fruit Benefits May Surprise You

Dragon fruit — also called dragon pearl fruit, cactus fruits, pitahaya or pitaya — is a tropical, delicious superfood that can do a lot for your health. In fact, dragon fruit benefits include anti-aging, immune system boosting and sugar stabilization, which is helpful for those with diabetes, among others. Let’s take a look at just how dragon fruit benefits the human body.

1. Immune Booster
Dragon fruit is jam-packed with flavonoids and flu-fighting vitamin C, free radicals to the curb, vitamins B1, B2, B3, as well as calcium, phosphorous, iron, protein, niacin and fiber teaming up to keep that immune system in tip-top shape.The micronutrients in dragon fruit are also impressive. A study published in the Journal of Food Science observed polyphenol and flavonoid content and effects on several cancer cell lines from the extracts of the flesh and peel of the white and red dragon fruit.
2. Digestion Helper
Dragon fruit contains a good bit of fiber, which can help with that morning bowel movement. It can even help eliminate constipation and IBS issues.
Dragon fruit contains about one gram of fiber per 100 grams for the fresh version and about 10 grams per 100 grams of the dried version, making it a high-fiber food. To get a bit more fiber, you can even eat the skin of the pitaya.Another reason dragon fruit benefits digestion is due to the oligosaccharides it contains. These oligosaccharides work as prebiotics, which in turn improves gut health and digestion.  And that’s not all prebiotics can do.According to research published in the journal 3 Biotech, “the introduction of functional compounds like prebiotics in the diet seems to be an attractive alternative to ameliorate the quality of life ridden with obesity, cancer, hypersensitivity, vascular diseases and degenerative ailments.” 
3. Diabetes Treatment and Prevention
The dragon fruit can help by preventing  sugar spikes after eating high glycemic index foods.A study published in the Journal of Pharmacognosy Research found that dragon fruit had positive results on the oxidative stress on tested subjects, suggesting its consumption as beneficial in reducing some issues that may be associated with diabetes. (4) Further research examining the way dragon fruit benefits insulin resistance on obese mice found that eating dragon fruit can help reduce the risk for diabetes and diabetes symptoms.
4. Heart-Healthy
The same study noted above on dragon fruit benefits in relation to diabetes and oxidative stress also evaluated effects that dragon fruit may have on the heart. The study published in the Journal of Pharmacognosy Research showed that dragon fruit may help decrease bad cholesterol while improving the good cholesterol, making dragon fruit an excellent cholesterol-lowering food. In addition, because it’s an excellent source of monounsaturated fats, it can help keep the heart in good shape.
And let’s not forget those little black seeds inside the dragon fruit. They’re big in delivering omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Research shows that these omega-3s and omega-6s can drop problematic triglycerides, decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease
5. Keeps You Looking YouthfulAntioxidants, in this case due to the vitamin C content, do a great job of keeping the skin tight and firm, which can offer a youthful appearance. Additionally, the phosphorus in dragon fruit provides a boost in the anti-aging department. Phosphorus, an important mineral found in every cell of the body, makes up about 1 percent of your total bodyweight. Because it’s found in every cell, its effect on the repair of those cells is important to the youthfulness of our skin and prevention of premature aging. 
6. Potential Cancer Prevention
Dragon fruit contains phytoalbumin, and phytoalbumin, combined with the vitamin C and minerals it hosts, makes the dragon fruit highly valued for its antioxidant properties and cancer-preventing qualities. There is yet another characteristic that may help in cancer prevention — the lycopene it contains. The lycopene, also found in tomatoes, offers the rich color, and results from studies show that it may contain “chemopreventive effects for prostate, breast, lung, liver and skin cancer.” Another study published in Nutrition and Cancer indicates that cancerous cells had difficulty living and were significantly reduced when treated with lycopene. Ovarian cancer evaluation showed a decrease in cancerous cell numbers after lycopene treatment, and given dragon fruit’s lycopene content, it may be a potential cancer-fighting food
Source from

Sep 29, 2017

Dragon Fruit Price Super Increased From Last Week - Giá Thanh Long Tăng Kỷ lục trong tuần qua

Last week, Binh Thuan dragon fruit price has increased over 30,000 - 33,000 VND per kg - because be affected by snowball exporting your dragon fruit to Australia from Sept 20 & the rest of reason based on China market - Mid-Autumn festival will coming end of this week with long holiday

Tuần qua, giá thanh long ở Bình Thuận tăng kỉ lục, có lúc hơn 30k/kg vì ảnh hưởng của việc xuất khẩu thanh long sang Úc từ ngày 20 tháng chín và sắp tới Trung Thu - Trung Quốc có kỳ nghĩ dài từ tuần sau.

Sep 28, 2017

VN has expected exporting of vegetables & fruits $ 3.6 billion

From the beginning of the year to 15/9/2017, fruit and vegetable exported turnover reached over 2.49 billion USD; the Year-on-year increase of 46.7% ...

1st Country Has Approved Exporting Dragon Fruit to Australia

Vietnam is the 1st country has approved exporting dragon fruit to Australia after 9 months negotiated.

Sept 20 - Long An is the 1st province exported the 1st order to Australia from Hoang Phat Co, Ltd. 

Mrs. Karen Lanyon said she very happy that from now dragon fruit of VN can be available at Australia to let Australians enjoy one of wonderful tropical fruit.

Tieng Viet link

Sep 26, 2017

QI 2017, new dragon fruit tree area’s at Bình Thuận has not much

Following Statistic Binh Thuan, Binh Thuan has 27.300 ha dragon fruit trees, increased 962 ha approximated 3.7%
Planting new dragon fruit trees - photo by Huu Tuong

The farmer has not invested much vs the last year 2016 because the market price has been continuous down, abnormal weather condition, some of the areas haven’t or lacked water for pouring dragon fruit within out of season for lighting on, ….many farmers have down/failure their profit then, they have not invested for new acreage.

Take care new dragon fruit trees - photo by Huu Tuong

From the middle of Feb until now the market price has a bit increase but not much, beginning of lighting season hasn’t been many results, farmers have not enough quantity provide to the market.

Potential this year the dragon fruit market will be super hot!

By Huynh Hien

Sep 25, 2017

What Happens to Your Body After You Eat Dragon Fruit?

Have you known it yet?????

From Natural Cures

Binh Thuan Dragon Fruit Farm with Tourism

Binh Thuan dragon fruit farms have long become one of the appealing tourist attractions alluring the great number of tourists. Here, tourists have a chance not only to admire the untouched farms but also enjoy the unique dished from the dragon fruit.

If Ninh Thuan is considered the "kingdom" of grapes in VietnamBinh Thuan is dubbed as the "kingdom" of the dragon fruit.This is one of the popular specialties associated with Binh Thuan having been well-known at home and abroad. The kind of sweet fresh fruit not only is important economic resources of the province but also becomes the "specialty" serving the development of the tourism. Binh Thuan dragon fruit farms have long become one of fascinating tourist attractions in Binh Thuan alluring both domestic and international tourists.
Dragon Fruit - photo from Wikimedia Commons

Dragon fruit farms Binh Thuan are gradually developing into the impressive tourist sites both contributing to creating the richness for the routes, increasing the extraction efficiency and promoting the image of Binh Thuan dragon fruit. In addition, hotels and restaurants here are also formulated strategies to build menus with dishes, desserts, and beverage made from the dragon with the aim of increasingly attracting tourists. Binh Thuan dragon fruit is also introduced and widely promoted at events, fairs and touring exhibitions that Binh Thuan travel participate. It is characteristics that make the image of Binh Thuan dragon become closer to tourists, creating a powerful attraction for Binh Thuan tours.
Collecting dragon fruit - photo from Frickr

Dragon fruit in rack - photo from internet

 According to traditional medicine, the dragon fruit retains the great number of therapeutic features for the digestive system thanks to dragon's seeds containing the natural oil. Dragon fruit provides only about 50 Kcalorie / 100g but rich in vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron from food, strengthens the immune system and has anti-aging effects; Vitamin A in dragon fruit supports visual health... Dragon is one of the fruits good for human health. From the nutritional characteristics of the fruit retaining cooling effects, enhancing resistance with the great number of protein, vitamin C, vitamin B3 and the kind of essential microelements for the body such as iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, an enterprise in Phan Thiet has researched and manufactured products of dried dragon fruit with many advantages but retaining nutrients, the sweetness of sugar and typical aroma of the fruit. Enjoying the unique taste along with exploring the immense dragon fruit gardens will certainly be one of the unforgettable things to do in Binh Thuan.

Red dragon fruit - photo from Wikimedia Commons

Binh Thuan dragon fruit is also ingredient creating numerous nutritious delicacies. Tourists once participating in Binh Thuan travel in general or Mui Ne - Phan Thiet tourism, in particular, should enjoy squid salad with dragon fruit, shrimp spring rolls with dragon fruit and especially all kind of delicious dragon fruit jam. In particular, many restaurants and tourist areas in Binh Thuan also offer tourists dragon fruit party menus full of different dishes from appetizers, main dishes, side dishes to desserts and drinks... Especially, in series of film introducing Vietnam cuisine titled "Discover Vietnam with Martin Yan", in the introduction of Binh Thuan cuisine at Ta Cu tourist area, celebrated chef Martin Yan chose to introduce the famous dishes, namely shrimp mixing dragon fruit with cocktail, chicken soup with dragon fruit, beef stirs with dragon fruit, fried red tilapia with dragon fruit sauce... Recently, a food company creates the sweet, fresh and nutritious drinking water, which is suitable for all ages of consumers.

Dragon Fruit farm - Photo from Wikimedia Commons

Participating and experiencing Phan Thiet - Binh Thuan today, tourists not only have a chance to explore the unique historical cultural relics, admire the wonderful natural picture but also set foot on the dragon fruit gardens full of fruits, contemplate white flowers of dragon fruit at night and especially taste delicacies made from the fruit known as the "green dragon". The immense dragon fruit farms deserve to become one of the appealing tourist Binh Thuan attractions alluring tourists. Dragon fruit with its significant values on economy and tourism importantly contributes to bringing Binh Thuan tourism closer to the domestic and international tourists.
Source from

Sep 24, 2017

Experience of Dragon Fruit Care

Favorable & un-favorable weather for dragon fruit out of season lighting off

The lighting off at the right weather is a one of priority conditions to help dragon fruit blossom (from specialist is flower induction). However, after reached to the right weather, other factors also need to be careful - they are remaining part to contribute decided quantity of each dragon fruit blossom, ex: dragon fruit tree health, the timeline for the lighting, the weather of remain timeline of lighting. But this review only introduction about the right light off.

Favorable Weather:

Image result for trông đèn thanh long

  • Being sunny through long days & meet raining from 3-4 days after that will be a great time for lighting off. Often end of raining season, if it is lighting, enough electricity,  storm is on the east sea & being landing. It is the great time for lighting off.
    •  After lighting off with the sunny days but not hot, have few clouds within a day, hot weather, no windy - that is the best time. Day time has a little wind will be fine but night time has wind, that will be potential failed beacuse if it catch the windy in night time which will be lose heath (we can check by press & feel dragon fruit branch has been soften).
    • After lighting off & following day we see the dew cover all the dragon fruit branches - you can potentially the following month interesting rate coming- sucessful

Un-favorable Weather:
  • In case with long hot weather & suddenly has storm, farmer is lighting off, following day will be sunny through 4-5 days, it will be high potential failed. If you can following the weather like, this case can be avoid.
    • Within lighting time & lacking sunny: in the day time with cloudy continuous half month, the result is this phase has been failed even though with young dragon fruit tree.
    • Dragon fruit tree is blossoming which meet northern wind, in some cases it stop or even  flower buds has rotten.
    • East & north season wind are landing to, however it has not directly affected but with trend cold, dry are very dangerous after lighting off.

Translation from one of Binh Thuan dragon fruit facebook

Sep 22, 2017

Binh Thuan Dragon Fruit Blog: Out of season dragon fruit tree

Binh Thuan Dragon Fruit Blog: Out of season dragon fruit tree: Photo was taken from one of my younger sister farm's

Dragon fruit & health


Dragon fruit is a kind of fruit Vietnam never have to import, the price is very cheap. Therefore, when you suffer from the diseases below, you can eat some pieces of dragon fruit daily to relieve the disease quickly.

Vietnamese Dragon Fruits - Thanh Long Việt Nam

Thanh Long Việt Nam - Vietnam dragon fruit with English Subtitle