Sep 24, 2017

Experience of Dragon Fruit Care

Favorable & un-favorable weather for dragon fruit out of season lighting off

The lighting off at the right weather is a one of priority conditions to help dragon fruit blossom (from specialist is flower induction). However, after reached to the right weather, other factors also need to be careful - they are remaining part to contribute decided quantity of each dragon fruit blossom, ex: dragon fruit tree health, the timeline for the lighting, the weather of remain timeline of lighting. But this review only introduction about the right light off.

Favorable Weather:

Image result for trông đèn thanh long

  • Being sunny through long days & meet raining from 3-4 days after that will be a great time for lighting off. Often end of raining season, if it is lighting, enough electricity,  storm is on the east sea & being landing. It is the great time for lighting off.
    •  After lighting off with the sunny days but not hot, have few clouds within a day, hot weather, no windy - that is the best time. Day time has a little wind will be fine but night time has wind, that will be potential failed beacuse if it catch the windy in night time which will be lose heath (we can check by press & feel dragon fruit branch has been soften).
    • After lighting off & following day we see the dew cover all the dragon fruit branches - you can potentially the following month interesting rate coming- sucessful

Un-favorable Weather:
  • In case with long hot weather & suddenly has storm, farmer is lighting off, following day will be sunny through 4-5 days, it will be high potential failed. If you can following the weather like, this case can be avoid.
    • Within lighting time & lacking sunny: in the day time with cloudy continuous half month, the result is this phase has been failed even though with young dragon fruit tree.
    • Dragon fruit tree is blossoming which meet northern wind, in some cases it stop or even  flower buds has rotten.
    • East & north season wind are landing to, however it has not directly affected but with trend cold, dry are very dangerous after lighting off.

Translation from one of Binh Thuan dragon fruit facebook

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