Aug 26, 2011

Features of sand hill

Coastal dunes occur almost everywhere. Sand hill in Mui Ne –Phan Thiet has features. Grains of sand are not white, but pink and smooth. Tiny grains of  sand chase each other in north-easterly wind, which makes its shape change everyday. Therefore, it is called “flying sand hill”. It is a unique feature that photographers inside and outside the country always seek new and unique photos at the Mui Ne sand hill. There have been hundreds of photos winning international prizes. To Mui Ne sand hill, visitors not only are immersed in the natural beauty but also enjoy special sports such as sliding sand hill, competition of overcoming sand dunes. Sliding sand is very attractive, especially the youth. There is a sand slide service with sliding boards for rent. Tourists will be guided to slide down from the peaks of sand dunes when sitting on thin plastic boards. Mui Ne sand hill is a place where the youth compete to overcome the sand hill on the first days of spring.
Visitors are attracted by special features of sand hill. It is joked that “if someone comes to Binh Thuan without going to the sand hill and sliding on it, it is considered that he/she has not been to Binh Thuan”. Today, the trade name “Mui Ne dunes” has been spreaded.

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