Aug 25, 2011

Why do dragon fruits popular on the world?

Journal of Science (AJAS) U.S. issued earlier this month 8 / 2010 published an extensive research and long-term experts in the Department of Biotechnology, University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (UKLM) shows that Dragon Fruit is truly delicious, nutrient storage you, just have the effect of beauty has healing effects.

Nutrient composition

Dragon fruit has a very high fiber content, averaging 100 grams contains 0.7 to 0.9 grams of fiber, the effect is very good for the body, especially cholesterol, good for digestion, constipation limited and detoxify the body. Each day a person should consume between 20-30 grams of fiber, this is the optimum level can help prevent a variety of incurable diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes ... In addition to fiber, rich in beta carotene dragon, this is a matter for the body to metabolize providing to vitamin, helps eliminate cells without leading to infection. Here are the main nutrient components from 100 grams dragon fruit (half dragon fruit): Water (g) 82.5 to 83.0 g, protein (g) 0.16 to 0.23; fat (g ) from 0.21 to 0.61; fiber (g) 0.7 to 0.9, beta carotene (mg) 0.005 to 0.012; calcium (mg) 6.3 to 8.8, phosphorus (mg ) 30.2 to 36.1; iron (mg) 0.55 to 0.65, vitamin B1 (mg) 0.28 to 0.30, vitamin B2 (mg) 0.043 to 0.045, vitamin C (mg) 8 - 9 and niasin (mg) 1.297 to 1.300.

Vitamin C
100 g dragon fruit is 8-9 mg vitamin C, this is the leading source of food USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advised Americans to eat every day. It works to strengthen the health of the immune system, preventing the risk of colds, flu season, at delivery, especially in cold weather. Dragon fruit also contains other vitamins such as B1 (0.3 mg/100g). Dragon Fruit especially rich in potassium, iron, protein, calcium, good for the blood circulation, enhance vision health and prevent hypertension.

Fat and cholesterol

Dragon fruit has many tiny seeds like black sesame seeds, this is the place to keep fat and cholesterol, especially saturated fats may be single and is considered one of the good fats, helps reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and increases good cholesterol. A dragon fruit production (equivalent to a medium sized dragon fruit) containing up to 60 calories, 14 calories of this is unsaturated fat, 9 grams carbohydrate, plus there is a dragon fruit contains 60 mg of sodium and 2 grams protein.

Many products from dragon fruit

Currently Malaysia has been manufacturing a variety of products from dragon fruit, dragon fruit and flowers from the dragon lines, sold worldwide, most of which sold in the U.S. market. Malaysia characteristics are not many fresh dragon fruit sold. Large amount of dragon fruit for processing, so this country to avoid severe market situation dragon fruit, or dragon fruit fell. There have been many doctors advice: Every day from 1-2 to eat dragon fruit, you will repel many diseases.

NAM GIANG (According AJAS / AB)

(According to Binh Thuan)

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Vietnamese Dragon Fruits - Thanh Long Việt Nam

Thanh Long Việt Nam - Vietnam dragon fruit with English Subtitle