Jul 4, 2013

Importance of eating a Pitaya/ Dragon fruit

Pitaya Fruit, Pitahaya Fruit or commonly known as the Dragon fruit is among the most nutritious and wonderful exotic fruits. It is a favorite to many, particularly people of Asian origin. It features a mouth watering light sweet taste, an intense shape and color, not forgetting its outstanding flowers. In addition to being tasty and refreshing, this beautiful fruit boasts of a lot of water and other vital minerals with varied nutritional ingredients.
   Due to its vital nutrients, the Pitaya fruit is suitable for all diets as it supplements fiber which is best for laxative and the liver. Similarly, people who have high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity have attested to the fruit’s goodness. Recent findings show that if an obese person eats a Pitahaya fruit on a regular basis, it naturally reduces the weight considerably, creating a well balanced body without compromising on the individual’s health.

   Pitahaya fruits are highly concentrated with Vitamin C, minerals and boasts of high fiber content. The following table shows a characteristic nutritional value of the dragonfruit.

Equally available in affluent in a dragonfruit is phytoalbumins. Basically, these nutrients are vital and known world over for the antioxidants they possess which usually help in the prevention of the formation of free radicals that cause cancer.
Fiber 0.9g
Fat 0.61g
Ashes 0.68g
Carotene 0.012g
Water 83.0g
Phosphorus 36.1mg
Ascorbic Acid 9.0mg
Protein 0.229g
Riboflavin 0.045mg
Calcium 8.8g
Niacin 0.430mg
Iron 0.65mg

Importance of eating a Pitaya fruit
  1. Carotene helps maintain and equally improve the health of the eyes
  2. The fiber enhances digestion in our bodies
  3. The fiber equally reduces fat
  4. The protein component of the pitaya fruit enhances the body’s metabolism
  5. Calcium reinforces bones and aid in formation of healthy teeth
  6. Vitamin B2 acts as a multi vitamin to recover and improve loss appetite
  7. Vitamin B1 assists in production of energy as well as metabolizing carbohydrates
  8. Vitamin B3 lowers bad cholesterol level and enhances the appearance of the skin by moisturizing and smoothening it.
  9. Vitamin C ensures bruises and cuts heal faster and improves the general immune system of our bodies
  10. Phosphorus aids in tissue formation. 
Source from - http://www.vietnam-dragon-fruit.com/index.php?tkw99=quality

Biochemical Ingredients And Nutrition Of Dragon Fruit

 Biochemical Ingredients And Nutrition Of Dragon Fruit
       Ingredients                Mg/100g of fruit pulp       Nutrition                Mg/100g of fruit pulp
Liquid 85.3 Vitamin C 3
Protein 1.1 Niacin 2.8
Glucose 0.57 Vitamin A 0.0111
Fructose 3.2 Calcium 10.2
Sorbitol 32.7 Iron 6.07
Carbohydrate 11.2 Magnesium 38.9
Fiber 1.34 Phosphorus 27.5
Ash 0.56 Potassium 27.2
Energy (Kcal) 67.7 Sodium 2.9
                                   Source: Department of Binh Thuan Agriculture and Development Rural

Jul 1, 2013

Phan Thiết - Cá Mai salad

There is a dish best "Phan Thiet" and is extremely attractive fish salad ( Cá Mai) is sure not everyone was enjoying. Raw fish may be made with a variety of fish such as herring, carving, cleaning fish, spring fish ... but not as good as any kind of fish is not fishy Cá Mai for fresh meat. As the name implies, fish mai delicate slender, about equal to the index finger, covered with a layer of sparkling silver-white scales.
Phan Thiết - Cá Mai salad
Phan Thiết - Cá Mai salad
Very fresh fish flakes had bought, cut off the tail and abdomen breast, spinal withdrawal re-done as the vinegar and squeeze it dry. People like to eat less fat, then add chopped bacon is that there was a raw fish dish you wanted.

But if only that they may not be good. By also an "additive" is important sauces. Phan Thiet fish sauce ( nước mắm) is the land should be used in salad fish sauce apricot and more sophisticated techniques. Garlic, chilli, seeded nine stab me with fine sugar. Pounding roasted peanuts, powdered gold, porcelain few ripe bananas, all the air with pure fish sauce into a viscous sauce sweet, sour, sweet, salty flavor and sea.

Cá Mai salad need some fresh vegestables: lettuce, basil back, beating the fish, corn, cilantro girls with banana ( the one still can not eat like normal way when we eat banana), star fruit, thinly sliced cucumber.

By this time the new thin rice paper to take effect: we packed fish, vegetables neatly into the roll, put sauce that enjoy the sweet taste of fresh fish, the fat of peanut, taste the sauce along with strong fresh taste of green vegetables. Females usually have more in the last months. This opportunity to Phan Thiet, Mui Ne, a beach, where tourists can taste the fish apricot salad of local tradition.
Author: Su Cao
Source: Binh Thuan Today

Markets ripen for dragon fruit

Markets ripen for dragonfruit
Markets ripen for dragonfruit

Dragon fruit has taken the lead in Vietnamese fruit exports, recording the highest growth and value last year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

Exports were worth about 150 million USD, an increase of more than 40% over 2011 and comprised about 45% of the country's total fruit exports.

Vietnamese-grown dragon fruit is now sold in more than 30 countries and territories.

Exports to China more than doubled in volume (107%) and value (176.5%). The Korean rates were 136% and 114%, respectively.

Besides traditional markets in China, Thailand, Indonesia and Holland, Vietnamese dragon fruit has now penetrated Chile, Brunei and Greenland.

The average export price was at 539.5 USD per tonne, 6% higher than last year. The highest prices were 4,500 USD per tonne to Russia, and 3,600-3,630 USD per tonne to Japan, 2,760 USD to the US, 2,160 USD to Canada and 2,100 USD to Britain.

China was the biggest dragon fruit importer from Vietnam, however, price were lowest at o­nly about 396 USD per tonne.

In August, dragon fruit became the first Vietnamese fruit allowed to be shipped directly to the US without prior radiation tests. The tests are now held after arrival.

The US Patent and Trademark Office has also recognised "Binh Thuan dragon fruit" as the name for fruit from Binh Thuan Province. It is the country's largest dragon-fruit producer with total planting of more than 16,000ha and an output of 600,000 tonnes per year.

According to the ministry, dragon fruit will continue to prosper this year. However, to expand markets, more fruit must meet international standards, such as GlobalGAP, VietGap and EuroGap.

According to Tran Ngoc Hiep, director of Hong Hau Dragon Fruit Farm Company Ltd in Binh Thuan Province, exporters should complete production processes according to international standards and then transfer these advanced techniques to growers.

Tran Huu Danh, director of Long Viet Company in Tien Giang Province said exporters must be careful to maintain quality and prestige.

The GAP Agriculture Joint Stock Company recently begun to export dried dragon fruit to the US, creating an opportunity for value adding.


Nearly 220 hectares dragon fruit of Binh Thuan reach to GLOBALGAP standard

Nearly 220 hectares dragon fruit of Binh Thuan reach to GLOBALGAP standard
Nearly 220 hectares dragon fruit of Binh Thuan reach to GLOBALGAP standard

During 12 months (from May, 2011 to May, 2012) of implementation, 3 dragon fruit farms in Ham Thuan Nam district, Ham Thuan Bac district and Bac Binh district have participated in the model with a total area of 63 hectares.
Accordingly, they have been granted certifications for producing dragon fruit in accordance with GlobalGap standards (the 4th version). The average productivity of these 3 farms is 25 tons/ha.

Previously, when beginning to implement the project, the consulting unit had carried out surveys of dragon fruit growing households to determine the conditions of human resources and set up the quality management system corresponding to GlobalGap standards. At the same time, the unit also trained dragon fruit growers in methods to cultivate dragon fruit towards the GAP (Good Agricultural Practice) pattern and use plant protection drugs effectively and safely;  connected dragon fruit growers with scientists to help them grasp the techniques of agricultural production, agricultural product processing and preservation….
Author: Phuong Lan
Source: BInh Thuan

Exports Dragon fruit increasing to U.S market.

(TBKTSG Online) - Tiến sĩ Nguyễn Hữu Đạt, Giám đốc Trung tâm kiểm dịch thực vật sau nhập khẩu 2 (Cục bảo vệ thực vật), cho biết hiện nhu cầu nhập khẩu trái cây của Việt Nam ở một số thị trường cao cấp như Mỹ, Nhật Bản, Hàn Quốc, Đài Loan… đang rất lớn, điển hình là thanh long xuất vào thị trường Mỹ.

Exported Increase Dragon fruit to U.S market. ( Photo by TC)
By Dr. Nguyen Huu Dat -  Director of Center Quarantine after import 2, He said at the moment, demand for imported fruits of Vietnam in some of top markets as U.S, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan...are very large, specially is dragon fruit export to U.S market.

“Năm 2013, nhiều khả năng xuất khẩu thanh long vào Mỹ sẽ đạt 2.000 tấn vì đến cuối tháng 6-2013 xuất khẩu vào Mỹ đã tăng gấp đôi so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái. Riêng xuất vào Nhật Bản và Hàn Quốc đều tăng 25% so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái”, ông Đạt cho biết.

Year 2013, The most likely export dragon fruit to U.S market will reach to 2.000 tons, coz, end of Jul 2013, we exported to the U.S has double over the same period last year. Particularly export to Japan and South Korea were up by 25% compared to the same period last year, "he said Dat.
“Dự kiến năm 2014, xoài của Việt Nam sẽ xuất vào Nhật Bản, Đài Loan, Hàn Quốc và tháng 9 này sẽ xuất khẩu thanh long vào New Zealand. Hiện nhãn, vải, vú sữa cũng đã hoàn tất việc phân tích nguy cơ dịch hại và các thủ tục pháp lý…, sẵn sàng xuất khẩu khi có quyết định xuất khẩu vào những thị trường cao cấp trên”, ông Đạt cho biết.

"It is expected in 2014, Vietnam will export mangoes to Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and September this dragon fruit exports to New Zealand. At this time - Logan, lychee, breast milk also completed a pest risk analysis and legal proceedings ..., ready for export when a decision on the export market premium on, "he said Dat.

Trung Chánh
Theo TBKTSG Online

Sep 14, 2012

Dragon fruit & Tourism are products outstanding advantage of Binh Thuan.

Dragon fruit is a specialty plant. It has the most competitive advantage of Binh Thuan many advantages, especially on economic efficiency. From an area of about 7,000 ha in 2006, up to now dragon fruit on the province has reached nearly 19,000 ha and yield more than 400,000 tons / year. The expansion of the area, the local dragon fruit products also functional peers encourages farmers to produce standard VietGAP. So far, Binh Thuan dragon fruit has been exported to many countries in Asia, Europe, and the first fruits of Vietnam successfully penetrate the U.S. market ... time to forecast, this product is still the market large consumption, continued to assert economic efficiency superior to other crops if adequate attention.

Binh Thuan Dragon fruit

For travel, whether fledgling industry of Binh Thuan, but strong progress in a short time and has confirmed its position on the tourist map of Vietnam. Achieve more impressive figures show that tourism will continue to be the advantages of local products: The number of tourists increased by an average of 14.7% (2005 - 2011), revenue increased 30% each year ... currently the brand name "Mui Ne - Binh Thuan" has been widely promoted and become more familiar with international tourists. According to the 2020 plan, the Binh Thuan tourism strives to attract about 7.5 million visitors (including 1 million international passengers), total revenue reached 9.000 billion.

D. Quoc,

By Binh Thuan today.

Vietnamese Dragon Fruits - Thanh Long Việt Nam

Thanh Long Việt Nam - Vietnam dragon fruit with English Subtitle