Jul 1, 2013

Phan Thiết - Cá Mai salad

There is a dish best "Phan Thiet" and is extremely attractive fish salad ( Cá Mai) is sure not everyone was enjoying. Raw fish may be made with a variety of fish such as herring, carving, cleaning fish, spring fish ... but not as good as any kind of fish is not fishy Cá Mai for fresh meat. As the name implies, fish mai delicate slender, about equal to the index finger, covered with a layer of sparkling silver-white scales.
Phan Thiết - Cá Mai salad
Phan Thiết - Cá Mai salad
Very fresh fish flakes had bought, cut off the tail and abdomen breast, spinal withdrawal re-done as the vinegar and squeeze it dry. People like to eat less fat, then add chopped bacon is that there was a raw fish dish you wanted.

But if only that they may not be good. By also an "additive" is important sauces. Phan Thiet fish sauce ( nước mắm) is the land should be used in salad fish sauce apricot and more sophisticated techniques. Garlic, chilli, seeded nine stab me with fine sugar. Pounding roasted peanuts, powdered gold, porcelain few ripe bananas, all the air with pure fish sauce into a viscous sauce sweet, sour, sweet, salty flavor and sea.

Cá Mai salad need some fresh vegestables: lettuce, basil back, beating the fish, corn, cilantro girls with banana ( the one still can not eat like normal way when we eat banana), star fruit, thinly sliced cucumber.

By this time the new thin rice paper to take effect: we packed fish, vegetables neatly into the roll, put sauce that enjoy the sweet taste of fresh fish, the fat of peanut, taste the sauce along with strong fresh taste of green vegetables. Females usually have more in the last months. This opportunity to Phan Thiet, Mui Ne, a beach, where tourists can taste the fish apricot salad of local tradition.
Author: Su Cao
Source: Binh Thuan Today

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