Jul 31, 2013



Dragon fruit is a beautiful fruit grown in Southeast Asia (especially in Vietnam), Mexico, Central and South America, and Israel. The plant is actually a type of cactus, and the fruit comes in 3 colors: 2 have pink skin, but with different colored flesh (one white, the other red), while another type is yellow with white flesh. Dragon fruit is low in calories and offers numerous nutrients, including Vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, plus fiber and antioxidants.
Dragon fruit tastes wonderful! - sweet and crunchy, with a flavor that's like a cross between kiwi and pear.

Step 1 - Choose a ripe dragon fruit: look for bright, even-colored skin. If the fruit has a lot of blotches, it may be over-ripe (a few is normal). Another sign of over-ripe dragon fruit is a very dry, brittle brown stem, or brown on the tips of the "leaves". Hold the dragon fruit in your palm and try pressing the skin with your thumb or fingers - it should give a little (like a ripe kiwi), but shouldn't be too soft or mushy. If it's very firm, it will need to ripen for a few days.

Step 2 : Cut the dragon fruit

Step 3: Open the Dragon Fruit

Cut through to the other side, so that you can separate the fruit into 2 sections. Inside the flesh may be white or red - both will have tiny black edible seeds, just like kiwi fruit.

Step 4: Separate the Flesh from the Skin.
There are various ways to prepare dragon fruit for eating - this is just one way. Run a tablespoon around the circumference of the first section to separate the flesh from the skin.



Step 5: Lift Flesh out of the Skin.

Now lift the flesh out of the skin and place it on the cutting board. Reserve the skin for serving (as in step 8), if desired. Note that the skin is NOT edible. Do the same for the other half.

 Step 6: Remove Skin from Flesh.
Turn the mound of flesh over, checking for any residual pink skin. Slice this off.

Step 7: Slice up the Dragon Fruit.

Now you can slice up the flesh. Cubes work well for eating the fruit fresh.

Step 8: Enjoy Your Fresh Dragon Fruit a Variety of Ways!

And enjoy the Dragon Fruit!
Eating Tips: Aside from eating fresh, dragon fruit makes excellent juice as well as frozen drinks (dragon fruit is mainly composed of water, so it's easy to blend or process). Dragon fruit also makes an excellent addition to fruit salads . ENJOY !!!

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Vietnamese Dragon Fruits - Thanh Long Việt Nam

Thanh Long Việt Nam - Vietnam dragon fruit with English Subtitle