Jul 17, 2013

6.860 hectares of dragon fruit granted VietGAP certificate.

BTO – Since the early this year, the whole province has had additional 692 hectares of new dragon fruit growing area distributed in Bac Binh district (102 hectares), Ham Thuan Bac district (450 hectares), Ham Thuan Nam district (70 hectares) and La Gi town (70 hectares), bringing the total area of dragon fruit in the province to 20,041 hectares.

After 6 months of implementing the program of clean dragon fruit production, there have been 427 hectares of dragon fruit granted certificate of VietGAP, achieving 53 percent of the year plan. Remarkably, Ham Thuan Bac is leading by 230 hectares certified as VietGAP standards. So far, the total number of households receiving VietGAP certificates in the province is 8,106 with the area of 6,860 hectares, attaining 98 percent over the assigned plan of 2013.
Author: My Thien
Source: Binh Thuan Newspaper

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